Class of 2010

By jessii - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in math class, I got an answer "wrong." The teacher yelled at me, then he realized that my answer was correct. Then he yelled at me for not correcting him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 633
You deserved it 3 211

Top comments

OPs teacher is probably a miserable old man... at least it reminds me of a teacher I had who was miserable and his aim was to embarass us all. fyl OP


haha if it were ny class id be trying not to laugh with the rest of my class. and joke about it after(:

Take it to the Principal/Dean. and FYL that your teacher screams at you.

My math teacher sucks. No one understands what he is teaching us, and he gives us wrong answers for our exam.

I hate when teachers yell at you for being stupid and THEY'RE the stupid ones. FYL

This has happened to me before...only it started with being yelled at for "not paying attention"