Class of 2010

By jessii - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in math class, I got an answer "wrong." The teacher yelled at me, then he realized that my answer was correct. Then he yelled at me for not correcting him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 633
You deserved it 3 211

Top comments

OPs teacher is probably a miserable old man... at least it reminds me of a teacher I had who was miserable and his aim was to embarass us all. fyl OP


SmallTownCutie 0

that sounds like my math teacher. he sucks and everyone hates him.

I had a teacher like that who literally hated kids so much he got fired for it. He smelled really bad and had big ears and his tongue stuck out. Like two inches. Sorry OP I know that sucks.

my math teacher is fremch and resembles Hitler

YDI for having a bad math teacher! Math teachers are always so nice!

I have a law and politics teacher like that right now... Ugh.

You shoulda yelled a him back for yelling at you the first time how you go the answer right but yelled at you thinking how you got it wrong.

Yeah my iPod is hard to write with a 1 1/2 inch keyboard.

Not for me. I'm writing on my iPhone right now. 6.3 seconds!

x805xUnknown 6
BroSkitLove 0

wtf Wha kinda school does that ha ha


haha.. your teacher is a douche.

OPs teacher is probably a miserable old man... at least it reminds me of a teacher I had who was miserable and his aim was to embarass us all. fyl OP

Sounds like one of my physics teachers. Don't worry about it, both of you'll get over it. Unless you want to make an enemy out of your maths teacher I wouldn't recommend getting too smart alec with your responses.

flashback.miss 28

well... now you know what to do... dont back down if youre 100 percent and more sur eyoure right... good luck.. :) but yes be respectful so you cant be nailed for insoburdiantion or something.. i dunno... just keep your head high... but really... what kinda teacher is this person? OO this is my advice :)