Class of 2010

By jessii - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in math class, I got an answer "wrong." The teacher yelled at me, then he realized that my answer was correct. Then he yelled at me for not correcting him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 633
You deserved it 3 211

Top comments

OPs teacher is probably a miserable old man... at least it reminds me of a teacher I had who was miserable and his aim was to embarass us all. fyl OP


Is it pedagogicly accurate for teachers to scream at students? I mean, like, you dont really learn anything from being screamed at. I hope there you have vetter teachers by now.

you should yell at him back for yelling at you for not correcting him while his yelling at you for the wrong answer

You should express how much you appreciate his positive, encouraging feedback.

Ah, another prime example of the American public education system.