Classic Mom moment

By me - 28/06/2013 15:51 - United States

Today, I went to my parents' house. I recently lost about 30 lbs. My mom hugged me and said, "Aww, you're not my chubby baby girl anymore." She then said she wished I were still fat because she missed it. She's the reason I lost the weight; she used to tease and taunt me. Thanks Mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 620
You deserved it 4 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's odd. You are probably beautiful either way, though.

ItsAnanya 25

Look at this way, YOU LOST 30lbs! If I loose like 3lbs I break out into like this mini celebratory dance . End up stuffing my face full of food and gain like 6lbs -.-


SummerSkiess8494 2

How did you lose 30lbs????and I agree with. #112

Everyone saying "You shouldn't lose weight for other people, do it because YOU want to" probably don't get it. Constant criticism can really get to a person, especially when it comes from someone like a parent. After OP's mother made enough rude remarks, it's very likely that OP started taking it to heart, even if she hadn't at first. You can only be called fat so many times before you start to believe it yourself. Congratulations on your success, OP. I hope you feel happier with yourself now, regardless of what your mother says or does.

It sounds like she wants you to feel bad about yourself either way. At least now you can see her for what she really is.

She probably misses teasing you because it made her feel better about herself. Congrats on losing the weight!

ilove2lovemylove 10

Mine is just like that; damned if you do, damned if you don't. One more reason I'm so glad I'm moving out...

Congrats on losing weight! As long as you're happy, that's what is most important. =)

I know the feeling. My mom teased me when I was fat. Now, my step-dad regularly hits on me and says inappropriate things to me now that I'm skinny.