Classic Mom moment

By me - 28/06/2013 15:51 - United States

Today, I went to my parents' house. I recently lost about 30 lbs. My mom hugged me and said, "Aww, you're not my chubby baby girl anymore." She then said she wished I were still fat because she missed it. She's the reason I lost the weight; she used to tease and taunt me. Thanks Mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 620
You deserved it 4 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's odd. You are probably beautiful either way, though.

ItsAnanya 25

Look at this way, YOU LOST 30lbs! If I loose like 3lbs I break out into like this mini celebratory dance . End up stuffing my face full of food and gain like 6lbs -.-


Screw her. Do what feels right and healthy, regardless of what your mom has to say. My grandmother is the same way, and now she's doing the same thing to my daughter, who isn't even TWO. Any time we visit she stuffs us all with crappy food, gets bitchy and offended when I take a small serving, acts like I'm being a tyrant when I tell my daughter she can't have ice cream because she didn't eat any real food (then gives it to her anyway)...then asks me when I'm going to finally lose this baby weights and scoffs at how we "must be feeding Ellie total junk at home" because she wouldn't eat dinner but is still "such a little fat potato". Talk about a complex >:(

Hey, you lost weight. The fact that you had the willpower to do it makes you awesome.

It's all about keeping you in the child mentality, mom still has a purpose if you are still a child.

caligirllife 11

Some mothers can never stop criticizing. I'm not even overweight and my mother taunts me about it. Learn to try and ignoring cause it seems like some moms will never give their approval

Recently? I hope you lost that weight the right way, which should have taken months

Exactly the same as me. Mine now over feeds me :/

So basically she misses teasing and taunting you. Beware OP, that exactly the kind of 'mother' who, when you bring a boyfriend home, will start telling him how fat you used to be and then claim innocently that she's just proud of your weight loss when you call her on it.

kidsgotastinky 11

Your mom got issues... Don't do it for her... Just take care of yourself and b happy!!!

Sounds like she'll just miss making fun of you. Tell her to **** off, but you know, respectfully. :)