Classic Mom moment

By me - 28/06/2013 15:51 - United States

Today, I went to my parents' house. I recently lost about 30 lbs. My mom hugged me and said, "Aww, you're not my chubby baby girl anymore." She then said she wished I were still fat because she missed it. She's the reason I lost the weight; she used to tease and taunt me. Thanks Mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 620
You deserved it 4 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's odd. You are probably beautiful either way, though.

ItsAnanya 25

Look at this way, YOU LOST 30lbs! If I loose like 3lbs I break out into like this mini celebratory dance . End up stuffing my face full of food and gain like 6lbs -.-


How can this be an fml moment?? You lost 30 pounds!!!

Woah. My mom does the EXACT same thing.

Well now you can tease back about your new sexy self and perhaps encourage your mother to change an unhealthy habit of hers. Of course don't pressure or do it to the extent she has done to you, people only change when they want too.

AngelLovesDerby 10

My mother was the same way.. She used to bug me when I was chubby and now when I go to her house she tries to stuff my face.

Kc1001 14

All of the adults who have called me fat are fatter than me.

timss4 19

Women don't know what they want

i have a different read on this i guess, maybe because im a parent. she want's whats best for you, but she also loves her cherished memories of her baby girl. emotions do not need to be logically consistent, and i doubt she was trying to tear you down - but i cant say for sure as i don;t know her or you

The weightloss should have come from you wanting it not from trying to prove something to anyone. Good luck hope you dont gain it all back.

I think she misses being able to taunt you since you lost the weight. No offense OP, but your mom sounds like a real bully. Congrats on losing the weight though. 30lbs is a fabulous accomplishment!