Cockwomble strikes again

By haveahappyperiod - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my purse was stolen from my bag while I was on the train. The thief will be surprised to find that it wasn't my money purse, but in fact my "period purse". Hope they find tampons useful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 567
You deserved it 4 812

Same thing different taste


beatleschick1940 9

Ha! Excellent! Good for you, OP! And your name is everything! Lol

pistolpete31000 7

Boy he'll be smacking himself in the face!!

rock_stud 9

Today I stole a purse from this lady who claimed she dated some rich guy, it turned out to be full of manhole covers--snatch ammo--- twat missiles... In short tampons. FML

This is the best comment I've ever had the pleasure of reading.

im confused. isnt that a good thing? unless u had an accident in public due to the lack of tampons..