Cockwomble strikes again

By haveahappyperiod - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my purse was stolen from my bag while I was on the train. The thief will be surprised to find that it wasn't my money purse, but in fact my "period purse". Hope they find tampons useful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 567
You deserved it 4 812

Same thing different taste


Again, FML illustrates the need for a "they deserved it" button! Hope they like tampons.

What about the thieves that actually know how to spell "thief?"

Wouldn't this be a good thing? I mean, you still have the money to buy more. I'd rather lose a couple tampons than a few hundred bucks.

She was on her period. Her bag full of period things got stolen. She was left without things she probably needed while she was out, and I'm assuming there was more than /just/ tampons inside. How are you people not getting why this is an FML?

monnanon 13

it is an fml but not a bad one. op does state it only had tampons in it.

katie_xoxo3 16

That's hilarious, good thing it wasn't your actual purse

Congratulations, You just trolled a purse snatching thief. ;)

Damien_Rose 8

Not that much of an fml, really...

Bigfabthetruth52 22

You carry around a period purse?Sorry but that sounds pretty odd to me.A whole separate purse when you have a period,you must bleed like no other then.

monnanon 13

not a whole other handbag but another purse like a small make up bag type thing. im guessing this is probably a UK fml since our purses go inside what the US call purses :)