Cockwomble strikes again

By haveahappyperiod - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, my purse was stolen from my bag while I was on the train. The thief will be surprised to find that it wasn't my money purse, but in fact my "period purse". Hope they find tampons useful. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 567
You deserved it 4 812

Same thing different taste


lmao GOOD! Hope you have something to tide you over!

Good fml, but it would be way better if it was written by the thief.

Lol it's really jokes on you if that's what he was Lookin for. Doubt it tho. FHL

kingvssj0 9

20 min later a post says I stole a purse was filled with used tampons FML

why is that a bad thing? at least he didn't get money

I hope you weren't on your period at that time

This isn't really much of an FML, but hey it still made me laugh! =)