
By why... - 05/06/2012 17:21 - United States - East Orange

Today, my husband went nuts. He's quit his job and set out building an amateur bomb shelter in our backyard. According to him, there's "substantial evidence" that cannibalism is on the rise across the country, and that "it's gonna be like Resident Evil out there, babe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 042
You deserved it 3 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohcoolstorybro 14

Because the cops shot the guy FIVE times before he went down, I'm guessing one of them was in the head.. Have you heard about the mother eating her baby, the dude eating his roommate, and there have been a few other ones out there too. I don't believe this is a "zombie pandemic" but some freaky shit is going on.


hairybuttgnome 0

Dosent he know? Zombies break through ANYTHING in resident evil.. He'll need a damn good group of allies haha

Well, you can't say he's wrong. A man ate another man's face. And a woman ate her infant son's organs.

How do two stories constitute "cannibalism on the rise"? I could say that means it's declining. You need a number to compare it to. That's what rising, falling, or even staying the same means. You're comparing it to something. Sheesh. You know, when I was in preschool and they started drilling us the ideas of "more, less, and same", I didn't understand how anyone couldn't have already understood those concepts by then. Now I see there were kids who indeed didn't, and what sorts of adults they grow up into.

catharsis5 9

As someone who talked to a few reporters, let me tell you something. Chances are that the amount of cannibalism in the nation is the same 3 months ago, a year ago, 5 years ago and now. The only difference is that it is sensationalized right now. In LA, it is known that not even half of the crimes in the city is reported in the LA times and other news outlets. That being said, a shelter is not a bad idea just in case.


There are a lot of cannibalistic people in the recent media now a days, one story even says its a virus that makes you want human flesh. I'm not sure if that one is true or not, but some people have gotten really freaked out by it.

Cassandrax731 5

Looks like your only bonding sessions are going to be watching Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead together. Romantic dates will be replaced with weapon training.

Are you kidding me?!?!?! The evidence is far more than substantial!!!

You're my first favorite. Haha this is hilarious. FYL.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Only if everybody starts buying bath salts. But if he's really serious they're are actually a few books on surviving a zombie apocalypse.