
By why... - 05/06/2012 17:21 - United States - East Orange

Today, my husband went nuts. He's quit his job and set out building an amateur bomb shelter in our backyard. According to him, there's "substantial evidence" that cannibalism is on the rise across the country, and that "it's gonna be like Resident Evil out there, babe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 042
You deserved it 3 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohcoolstorybro 14

Because the cops shot the guy FIVE times before he went down, I'm guessing one of them was in the head.. Have you heard about the mother eating her baby, the dude eating his roommate, and there have been a few other ones out there too. I don't believe this is a "zombie pandemic" but some freaky shit is going on.


Your husband needs professional help. Have him call Zombie Fortresses Inc.

I think he's on to something probably shouldn't have quit his job but still.

thebaconweave 0

It's true...on in Florida and one in San Antonio

GMS1 7

What happened in San Antonio?

Heard about something about a guy eating another guys face :o zombiesssssss O.o

Am I the only one who stopped taking the t-virus seriously when I played [PROTOTYPE]?

kevinn95 0

Shrike- i never said being famous makes them right im saying they have the most influence over people so thats why they turn to them first look at eminem hes portrayed a white trash gangster blah blah but that wasnt the real him he went through all these drug thing blah blah and what happened when he turned his life around? He got put on the shelves hes been making a lot of music lately but because its different and its not what they want u hardly hear his name anymore the media has f*** up our generation mtv turned from music and real stuff to jersey shore all this stuff is just making the future generations dumber

Apparently you try to mix different topics together into a clusterfuck of ranting to appeal to everypne and hide your ideas. Also, having the most influence over people mean we have to listen to them? And by your comments, you're talking about successful, well (un)known, non-political people.

Bring him sandwiches woman! He's out there protecting you!

Ha! Then I must be screwed (live about 2hrs away from miami)

There was a case of cannibalism in california as wellll.

That's what happens when people watch too much Fox News and Doomsday Preppers. They become unhinged and lose touch with reality. I'm afraid you are in for a bad time. He will spend all your money and savings on "zombie perpetration" - getting more and more obsessed as he goes along.