Communication breakdown

By Jen - 20/03/2012 05:11 - United States - Woodland Hills

Today, my new boyfriend asked why it takes me so long to reach orgasm. I didn't have the heart to tell him that he's never even given me one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 983
You deserved it 7 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dgmesa 4

quit leaving it up 2 him....only u know what u like so tell him what he needs 2 do


You should tell him. Otherwise, you can't expect to ever get one if he doesn't know he's not doing it right. You're ruining it for yourself!

foiled 15

Oh my gosh I know exactly what you mean.. Just fake it quicker and he'll be happy

Yourheadache 19
naomii776 7

New boyfriend? Why are you guys having sex already?

Codyseager 0

Maybe you should help him help you duh it's not bad to talk about that especially if it helps both of you

reheheally 1

You should've seized that teachable moment!

JC on a cross. These ladies just don't understand. The poor guy needs help and... They talk about telling him what he is doing WRONG??? Forget that! Coach him on what he needs to do right! Encouragement is always better than reprimands! And, it is hot too! I think I need to start a blog... Female orgasms for dummies. Gawd.

EvilDave 13

OP, You did not come with a manual. If you are not willing to tell him and teach him HOW to get you off, you have no one to blame but yourself.