Concentration face

By Nuttree - 01/08/2010 07:02 - United States

Today, I noticed my husband chews his tongue while we are having sex. He also does this while he is playing World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 446
You deserved it 6 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xGet_Over_It 0

which means you are as good as WoW. be happy!


Wtf? Maybe he really enjoys, loves to play and gets really into it.

its funny because this is not a real FML

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peter_saurusREX 0

Umm atleast he is enjoying it? xD

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haha its funny cause this is not a good fml

OopsieDaisies 0

I fail to see the relevance.

That_Guy_Jake_JR 0

I used to add my own theme music when I went into a raid. "Jake is here with his almighty rogue double dags hotter than the stove"...yeah... But I quit :(

allen20 0
kirby101 2

It went so well he quit haha You weren't singing these theme songs out loud right!?

matt1337c 0

What's wrong with WoW. As long as he's not addicted or anything, there's really no harm. Also chewing your tongue is just a bad habit. No big deal. YDI for caring.

thaprince1226 0

I noticed my wifebreathes while having sex she also breathes while playing WoW. FML

"Today, I noticed that my wife has an annoying habbit of bitching about me on the internet. FML"

twinny_sc 13

I'm not sure I understand this. It's an FML because he has a habit of chewing his tongue?

so what? this is a stupid fml it isn't even funny or really that bad. ydi fir being a picky bitch

LOL WoW? haha that sucks SOOOOO happy I don't play anymore!

lonesomeXheartbr 0
xiShawnx 0

at least he likes it, I play WoW too, so you husband is Win hahah

She should tell him to chew on her vag instead.

That's obviously the face he makes when he concentrates at least he's trying in the bedroom.

well WoW is an orgasmic and pleasurable game. what did u expect?especially once u reach lvl 50 With ur druid gnome, thats when u get really excited

YDI for your husband chewing his tongue during sex and the world's best MMORPG.

amazinggbaby 2

I don't get it, why is this an fml for her?

tweetbaby14 18

OP why are you complaining? big whoop your husband chews his tongue. oh no he left his sock next to the hamper instead of putting in the hamper! quick make an fml! but seriously quit whining, play the game with him, or rub his feet as he plays; your choice.

Probably just got a Mr. T hair grenade.

AeolusMDD 0

87; it's called a Mohawk grenade, Mr. T is not a style of hair. 41; u fail at life! OP what's the FML here? is it that ur husband chews his tongue during sex or that he plays WoW? Or maybe it's that he plays WoW w/ more intensity and concentration than when he has sex w/ u!

Emily9352 13

Wow. Get rid of him if he plays WoW

Win @ 74 troll rogues are impossible. And I think that op is my gms wife...does that make her guild mistress???

smurf1 0

#77 your hillariouse xD I love your coments!

swifft_fml 0

ydi for marrying a guy that plays world of warcraft

DiscountDJ25 0

Jeez. Playing WoW is nothing bad. It can really help with stress. And this is not an FML, this is (Sparta!) crap.

really ur husband plays wow? lol when are ppl supposed to grow up :)

op i sayen that her husband gets the same pleasue from having sex, as he does from playing WoW

xGet_Over_It 0

which means you are as good as WoW. be happy!

that's a complement WoW is amazing so maybe it means ur amazing

SirWhatsHisFace 0

WoW is gay. It would be different if the game was, say, Crysis.

maybe you should get him some gum ! it works better then eating you ******* tongue

loserboii 11

get him to do that while eating out

DiscountDJ25 0

You sir, 10, are win for the picture.

YDI for saying "having it off". FHL for playing WoW. FYL for being married to someone who plays WoW. HDI for having a tongue. At least you spelled "tongue" correctly instead of like "tounge"! :)

since when did u become the human dictionary child? and wats FHL?

*22 you are a idiot. lol. figure it out. haha just sad

KittehSayzRAWR 0

Hmm, he must find lush green landscapes and orgers very hot then...

deepfrey 0

Mw2 search & destroy all day!

mrgiraffe 0

hell yea except my dads a bitch and only let's me play like 2 hours a day

adorkable_spazz 0

wow... people obsessed with mw2 are weird. and op, it isn't a big deal