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By Anonymous - 19/01/2013 00:26 - Iceland

Today, at an open mic comedy club, my jokes went down so poorly that someone decided to hurl a chair at me on-stage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 441
You deserved it 15 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UnearthlyEnemy 9

Harsh crowd. Maybe you should try another gig, another place, another crowd. It'll hit eventually! Keep trying.

Lennes 12

It's difficult to speak in front of people, especially on a stage. Props to you. Most people don't have the guts for it.


UnearthlyEnemy 9

Harsh crowd. Maybe you should try another gig, another place, another crowd. It'll hit eventually! Keep trying.

OP should watch some Aziz Ansari or David Chapelle stand ups for some real comedy.

Hell Op should come on to the comment section here.. The worst that could happen here is downvotes...

perdix 29

#1, no, give up right away. The crowd at open-mic night are a bunch of cheapskates with a high tolerance for crap. Don't quit your day job.

ThePsyche 9

34- maybe op should try a movie theatre. heck free popcorn?

I know it comes down to taste and everyone's is different. But to me, aziz ansari just isn't funny. He comes off like a 4 year old begging for attention but sucks at it. Don't get me wrong, most comedians are begging for attention also, I just find their jokes better.

Don't worry, It's not just you. Aziz couldn't make me laugh if I was doped up on ecstasy, and he tickled my ass with a feather.

#1, I find it mean that you want OP to have a thrown chair hit him.

txgirl2013 14

Maybe you should try doing something else. But don't lose hope!!!

oj101 33

Michael McIntire spent years trying to break into comedy with great difficulty - look where he is now! Plus, if OP needs some help, try this joke - "What do you get if you come across a snowman and a vampire?" "A frostbite".

50 Are we gonna see an FML from FML about FML partying to hard and getting so wasted tomorrow?:O

Wanna hear a better joke? Women's rights! *gets chair thrown at*

*yawn* oh was that supposed to be edgy?

If you want a better joke, just look at your sex life.

The contradiction is how does 29 and 36 gets before 11.. Am I the only one to see this happening here?

I guess 11 rewrote or something the mobile app saved her spot but several others posted to the page before she finally did

There's atleast 20 minutes between 11, 29 and 36

Lennes 12

It's difficult to speak in front of people, especially on a stage. Props to you. Most people don't have the guts for it.

perdix 29

#4, #20, NOOOOO! Don't encourage him! I've been to lots of open-mic nights. Most people who go up and stink face an audience either (ee) fuming in awkward boredom or starting to converse loudly with their table. You have to do something awful to incite violence, so he needs to quit for his own safety!

28-"Props" Hmmm no. OP shouldn't follow Carrot Top's path. That'll be horrible!

Well FYL OP. what I want to know is did the chair hit you?

Maybe you should throw the chair back at him

U_GotitDude 18

9 times out of 10 That won't end well.

I don't think that merits having a chair thrown at you...

Your comment bored me 10.. *Throws chair at 10*

Yeah, 10, how do you feel now, even YOU have been chair-thrown at!

Wow i don't know anyone who actually goes up to an open mic. YDI

jessughka 10

I'm going to watch an open mic comedy tomorrow night, it's a good time.

No!!! Comment 3 was deleted :( I had such a good comeback on the replies.... Oh mods, why?