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By Anonymous - 23/09/2011 10:41 - United States

Today, desperate for my boyfriend to notice me for once, I started noisily masturbating while he was playing World of Warcraft. His response was to put his headphones on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 393
You deserved it 13 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dear nerds... Not everyday your naked girlfriends masturbates next to you... Be sure to take full advantage.


gunmania0 12

Feed him Viagra... However, that will probably just give him a boner over WoW. That a win win situation for him.

Alex94xela 0

Lol ya eff wow It isn't even that good

marpay 11

I'm a gamer (WoW) and when my lady wants my attention I give it to her. Not everyone who games is obsessed and would rather play than do anything with their partner. I've got to admit that OP is being kind of childish with the whole "look at me" shit. She could just talk to him about it and if he isn't willing to make some changes then she should stop wasting her time.

the fact of the matter is, people who play World of Warcraft do it for the escapism it provides, your obviously a thing he needs to escape from, maybe the blames not entirely with him, try looking at yourself before blaming someone else in future

yamatelle 19

OP, if you don't leave him now, he's going to be the one that postpones your wedding day because he has a raid scheduled with his guild members that same day. I'm just warning you.

MagicGiraffe 12

OP, try to convince him to raid your dudgeon with his long (or short) sword.

MagicGiraffe 12

dungeon* finger are too big for iPod keyboard...

He should be double clicking her mouse instead.

You should use this opportunity to role play! Tell him you need him and his mighty "warlock" to raid your nether regions and save you from Master Bater.

mabusoden 0

Ok, I play wow(85 bloodelf deathknight) but anywho. Here's the order homework

Up up down left left up slow up slow down button press up button press My cheat code for the ladies ;P

tjv3 10

you should dump him and move to Texas

tjv3 10
SmallyBigs 9

He said my story was cool and called me bro. :D

42, give over. I play WoW, I'm my fiancé's guild master... We are getting married next November, and I can guarantee even if a raid is scheduled we will not be attending. Just because we play doesn't mean we can't have a quickie on the raid time-outs etc... Maybe OP's just constantly faking the 'sexy' thing, she is after all going out of her way to be as noisy as possible, eventually you would get numb to that sort of attention seeking, once the initial fun wore off, then after that it would become irritating...

Irinaaa 0

Agreed! When I'm over my bf doesn't even play his video games. I asked him why, he said he will when I leave lol

This, this is the proper answer, not all this scrubs sayin' "pink over purple lololol". Cheers mate.

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Or the OP has issues. What happend to talking with your bf when something is bothering you? Just because he was playing wow doesn't mean that he wouldn't stop if she really needed to talk to him.

The fact that he'd take WoW over getting laid says he really needs a life still

All I'm saying is if that was my girlfriend I would be all over that like a fat kid on a cup cake

Sadly, I know how that feels, but that's what happens when you date wow nerds. :/

"Wow keeping teen pregnancy down since 2000"

i find it funny that its the other way around for me. my girlfriend is the one who plays

godofcyanide 8

74, while I agree with what you're saying in principle, OP clearly took the wrong tact. Like, if I was absorbed in something and my GF did what the OP did, depending on what I was doing, I might not appreciate it. However, should my woman come up behind me, reach down and grab my buddy and kiss me nicely, I'd be much more open to putting other business aside. ;) TL;DR: There's a right way and a wrong way to do things. OP chose the wrong way. YDI.

240, maybe the difference between us is the fact that I'm 19?

I have not once known a WoW player to turn down sex. My bf and I stop in the middle of raids and claim the net crashed. I've been stood up for dungeon running due to my friends having excuses like 'I had to clean the bathroom' or 'I got 'stuck in traffic' lol. If it really bothers you OP, pull the plug when his raid pulls ragnaros and has him half dead. :) then hold the cord hostage.

godofcyanide 8

247, while that is definitely a difference (I'm you x2), it's not necessarily the reason for our differing opinions. (Note: I heavily agreed with you on the Jersey Shore FML.) Rather, everyone prioritizes differently, and situations differ, as well. I'd react differently at different stages of whatever task I was working on at the time, whether I was 19 or the old man I am now. ;) For the record, I'm not a WoW player - quit being a hardcore videogamer in the late '90's - but I'm enough of a gaming geek (MTG, SOM, D&D) to understand the significance of what gaming means to people. ;)

Yeah I understand what you are saying, I just don't see how people can put a game in front of their girlfriend

Op has issues, My advice is to op that do these things AFTER her bf finishes playing WoW There is no point of disturbing her bf when he is doing something else, not just WoW.

godofcyanide 8

259, example from my life: Years ago, I ran a gaming group (Strat-o-Matic baseball league) with five of my friends in my house. We played one night a week, for about four hours, and it was generally the only time I would spend with those friends all week. So I valued that time highly. My girlfriend at the time was always bitching about me spending time with my friends instead of her. Fortunately for her, this went away when she found friends of her own to do things with on those nights. It's good policy to not be up each other's asses during all theoretically possible "together time." You still need to be your own person, even in your romantic partnerships.

282, I wish I could thumb that up more than once!, i could understand it in a situation like that but when people let video games and stuff like that consume all their free time it's quite pathetic, I'm a gamer myself but I have an even balance of my gaming time and the girlfriend/family time, eventho work takes most of my week lol

Herropreez17 0

Actually WoW started in 2004 not 2000.

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oh god, another mental 12 year old giving dating advice, go figure. what next, dump your bf because he farted?

kiran_fml 5

Well it's implied he doesn't pay attention to her, why would she want to be with someone like that?

Why would op want to be with someone who doesn't even give a shit about her. He should leave move back with his parents and play WOW for the rest of his life with no girlfriend. God ignoring a living thing for a stupid game...

Just because he didn't immediately turn to her doesn't mean he doesn't give a shit about her lol. But in all seriousness, your boyfriend is ******* weird. "Hold on guys gotta put my headphones on my girlfriend is just going off on herself and it's so loud.. Jesus." Nope. Not normal.

your dumb, she even resorted to masturbating to get his attention.

Don't call someone dumb without knowing the difference between you're and your.

rexgar2000 10

Yes 'vietboi' that may be true. But A: masturbation is private or just watchable sometimes. And B: we don't know if OP just always wants attention and he wants alone time and she's whining. It does happen, a gf gets angry about guys 'always' being on a game but in reality; they've only played a couple hours a day. It doesn't happen often like that, but some people are uber needy. She also did say 'trying to get him to notice me for once' so she may just honestly like the relationship if she hasnt done anything about it yet. So don't go throwing around the title of 'dumb' without at least getting a clearer explanation. We do only get one side of and a very short version of the story.

lol, L. I like Light Yagami moar, soz though Light's kind of an ass.

Masturbating is not very inviting, since it usually done solo.

What about the Dutch rudder? Or the double dutch rudder?

Clearing your doing it wrong... A HJ is still master sting just using some one else's hand

A HJ is technically master baiting but you can't control what they do or how they do it. So it's better than doing it your self.

Tanner, I'll bite. Wtf is a Dutch rudder?

Try dressing up as a WoW character, or just breaking them game.

Breaking the game doesn't matter. The game is linked to his online account and he could just dowload it again. I'm pretty sure that breaking his game would just make things worse. She should try playing the game with him or they should talk about this and come to a solution/ agreement.

imcutefml 0

I think dressing up would be better... Blood elf girl or night elf he'd pay attention then

Dressing up would be great then she could say let's play XXX WOW. This elf girl has powers over all (what ever he is).

Nikkitaria 9

Now, if she dresses up as a night elf when her man is a horde, that might just worsen things up to a whole other level!

nelf/belf or draenei hahaha or play the game with him like they said because i see that all the time


Start moaning elf names and shit. And then dump him for someone who isn't a lifeless loser.

Dear nerds... Not everyday your naked girlfriends masturbates next to you... Be sure to take full advantage.

SirObvious 1

I like how she's still in the mood

How this loser even got a girlfriend playing WoW, I will never know.

he is not a nerd or a loser for playing wow that's just a dumb thing to say just because you play a game doesn't make you a nerd or a loser my thoughts are that maby the girl isn't atractive and maby he thinks she is trying to hard and some of the coolest people I know like a member from soad plays wow so what I'm saying is I hate people who treat others like shit to make themselves feal better and no I don't play wow I just decmfend people who can't fight there own battles so I do think you are a dick for saying what you said. so good day to you

Dear nerds, it's not every day you actually have the wheels to get a girlfriend, take advantage of that.

MissBunnyWillEat 11

204: That's one long ass run-on sentence.

rexgar2000 10

nerds are very smart people that usually have girlfriends you guys mean geeks. that's the one.

SneakherHead 5

212- and that's one hot ass picture you have there

delamer 8

This site needs a "time to move on" option for all these relationships FMLs

It's not a website it's an actual game you buy and play

marpay 11

Sex > WoW always has been always will be.

StormGirl142 24

Depends on how good the sex is.

Wow == $10/month GF == $50-100/week for dates Wow 1, GF 0 Wow==Guaranteed to be a tedious, never ending quest for (at best symbolic) advancement, with rapidly diminishing returns after a certain point. GF== ditto Wow 0, GF 0 Wow == forced to deal with lots of inane, stupid, self-centered, and passive-aggressive idiots. GF == only have to deal with one of them. Wow 0, GF 1 Totals: WOW 1, GF 1 Dunno, man, I'd call it an even draw?

Azlein 0

Funny picture, but dude you suck.

Delete all his characters and videotape it. Maybe he'll have a freakout worthy of YouTube so the whole world can see what a pathetic, lifeless loser this guy is.

yamatelle 19

He's probably going to be so upset, he'll try to shove a remote up his ass. I would love to see another one of those videos.

Sure, lets try this out. The OP deletes the characters. She gets into a huge fight with her BF and they could possibly break- up. The bf calls blizzard and gets his characters back. I don't really see where the OP wins in this situation.

Or maybe he'll falcon punch the computer monitor.

Or he might commit suicide. He might not freak out so much as realize the "work" he's done in the past 6 years or so since it's been out have been wasted and become clinically depressed and revert to alternative substances to fill his life. Or make another account xD

@ #10 Yeah, if this is the new way people deal with problems, I don't want to live on this planet anymore. Make someone freak out and show it to the world?! Sick. They just need to ******* talk instead of her resorting to this "look at me! look at me!" mentality. BTW, I played WoW for years with my husband. It has lost its charm and we've moved on to other games. The couple that games together stays together. We are 6 years strong!

Yes he will freak out then realizes he can call blizzard get them back and then realize with blizzards mistakes he could get extra stuff when they are restored so it's a lose then double win situation

Randy84 10

Or, you could sell his account on eBay and buy him a really expensive watch.

SirObvious 1

Your an idiot! Those characters sell for some real shit I tell ya

Randy84 10

That's exactly what I just said.

Says the guy who gave his account two of the same, sideways picture