
By Anonymous - 26/06/2013 07:09 - Australia

Today, I received 5 missed calls from a florist stating that they were having problems delivering a bouquet from my ex. I was thrilled at the idea of a reconciliation. Turns out however that he just got mine and his new girlfriend's phone numbers confused. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 285
You deserved it 3 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should move on at this point, OP.

Maybe he's trying to make you feel jealous?


Ouch, well this is a wake up call that you need to find more fish in the sea. So go out OP, find cuter men and party!

That was no accident. He did that to mess with your head.

WhisperSoflty 20

Maybe I'm the only one... But I'm rather impressed with that florist! Five calls because of a difficulty with delivery? Sounds like pretty good customer service.

It's not always that easy. Sometimes if you'd already caught a huge rainbow trout, anyone else after is just minnows to you.

cottoncandymango 17

Your ex is an idiot if he "accidentally" gets two girls' numbers mixed up.

amy6703 6

He probably did it on purpose to get under your skin. What a jerk. Send some magnum sized condoms to his house by "accident" and put your new boyfriends name on it.

whowantstoknow12 10

That sounds like the beginning of a radio scam to find out if the guy is cheating.

"War of the Roses"? I loved that show until they all ended the same way. :P

whowantstoknow12 10

Yup! I still get a kick out of the lame excuses guys try to get away with.

One time it this guy was obsessed about this girl who believed that they had a relationship even though the girl wanted nothing to do with him and was interested in another guy i hope OP doesnt turn out like that crazy guy

Awe how sweet , he still remembers you...what a lovely way to tell you about his new gf.

What an awkward moment indeed. Well the breakup happened for a reason. Perhaps take this misunderstanding as a good sign.