
By Anonymous - 26/06/2013 07:09 - Australia

Today, I received 5 missed calls from a florist stating that they were having problems delivering a bouquet from my ex. I was thrilled at the idea of a reconciliation. Turns out however that he just got mine and his new girlfriend's phone numbers confused. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 285
You deserved it 3 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should move on at this point, OP.

Maybe he's trying to make you feel jealous?


Why would the florist be given your number or hers vs only his? Delivered flowers are usually a door "surprise". Sounds like he planned to try and rub it in your face about his new girlfriend.

vegeta77 4

Or it's a prank call by him. Why do people always believe the person on the other side of the phone?

Five calls for a prank? Also that's a pretty lame prank. Hurtful, with very few laughs.

Sinistra_Blue 12

"Hello sir? Is your fridge running?" "Yes it is." "Well you better go catch it!"

aria78 19

I'm a florist. we do take the recipient phone number as last resort in delivery problems.

this doesn't sound like it was a mistake on his part. he was just being a jerk. good thing you broke up! FYL

vegeta77 4

OMG, I bet that stings. Sorry.

I'm not saying she should stay in this state of mind but she may not have been the one to break up with him. Break ups can sometimes be very one sided and painful and sometimes the 'dumpee' can still want to get back with them. I agree she does need to move on and yes he's an ex for a reason but there's sometimes that glimpse of hope for a long time after a couple have separated. :)

@16 I like how you just assume that she broke up with him. If she is thrilled about the idea of reconciliation then there is a fair chance that he broke up with her.

Don't worry OP. You will find another great guy soon.

But OP wants nemo, not everyone can be nemo you know

Five missed calls? And they didn't think to leave a message?

@47 The fact that the OP knows who it was and why they were calling would seem to suggest that they did leave messages.

icepick23 12

Had you both listed under "Girlfriend"