Cool moves

By littlegirl - 07/05/2011 04:46 - Canada

Today, I was sitting with my crush at lunch. Trying to flirt, I tried to stare seductively into his eyes while sucking on my straw. I missed. The straw shot straight up my nose, causing me the worst nose bleed of my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 585
You deserved it 45 360

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stare seductively? I bet you scared the shit out of him with your creepy stare.


if you have to TRY to be seductive you're doing it wrong!

SamanthaLovr 0

thats cute, I love it when a girl fails at being sexy, if anything it makes them cuter :D .....shut up guys do use words like cute.

awesomeloser14 0

that's not sexy dear....even if you didn't fail you would just creep him out. besides you just need to tell him guys can be pretty oblivious.

honey, that's what you get for trying to look "seductive" when you're still 9. Stop tryin to act like you're a cheap ***** and just be yourself. THEN maybe you wouldn't have failed.

That would have creeped me out if some 14 year old tried to act sexy. You're a ******* idiot