Creep alert

By Pop_Pies - 03/09/2009 13:27 - Australia

Today, I had been working at the checkout for over five hours. Slightly tired while serving a customer, my eye accidentally twitched and I gave him a wink. He smiled and winked back. When I finished work two hours later he was outside, waiting for me, and followed me to my car, still smiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 088
You deserved it 4 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh, if you see someone outside waiting for you like that then you shouldn't walk to your car. Turn around, go back into where there are people, and call security. Once he knows what your car looks like, he can follow you home, which poses a whole other set of dangers.


YDI fir imagining you were winking at Clay Aiken.

Hahaha, twitching is awesome. Always breeds fun results. But... lol wow, love how he automatically assumes a wink has the implication you want him to screw you. I mean, yeah, winking is often flirting, but god damn that's where it stops! Or have any of you flirters ever had someone wait for and/or follow you when you made a minor, minor flirtatious gesture? Though, OP, you should have told him it was a mistake/you weren't really interested, instead of just letting him follow you.

lol~~ So do you have a thing with the winker? or......?

x_Leopard_x 1

Lol! That stinks! DX Was he cute, though? ;D Even though he was a creep.

LOLOLOLOL , Hopefully he's not a pedo... Or Is He? LOLOLOL xD OKAE OKAE.. IM SORRY LOL Dx

jdmchick 0

what a werido. maybe you should buy some pepper spray. lol

XxCoolPersonxX 0

hahha I hate when my eyes do that lol fyl tell him to back off

at least he kept smilling, that's hard to find... there's a catch right there go for it