Creep alert

By Pop_Pies - 03/09/2009 13:27 - Australia

Today, I had been working at the checkout for over five hours. Slightly tired while serving a customer, my eye accidentally twitched and I gave him a wink. He smiled and winked back. When I finished work two hours later he was outside, waiting for me, and followed me to my car, still smiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 088
You deserved it 4 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh, if you see someone outside waiting for you like that then you shouldn't walk to your car. Turn around, go back into where there are people, and call security. Once he knows what your car looks like, he can follow you home, which poses a whole other set of dangers.


"...Every time you take a sip In this smoky atmosphere You press that bottle to your lips And I wish I was your beer In the small there of your back Your jeans are playing peekaboo I'd like to see the other half of your butterfly tattoo. Hey that gives me an idea Let's get out of this bar Drive out into the country And find a place to park. 'Cause I'd like to see you out in the moonlight I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers And I'd like to check you for ticks..." "Dont worry babe ill find your house, I'll just follow you home And when you run out of gas, I'll lend you my phone "Cause I'd like to see you nude in my room I'd like to ram you, way back with my stick I'd like to see you, walk down the aisle And i'd like to check you for ticks"

Haygenius 0

Well at least you know he has the devotion to wait 2 hours for you. If, having explained the situation to him, he's still interested (provided that you are too), it could be a romantic beginning to a nice friendship! (unless ur initials are YS and you're my friend from Perth, in which case Don't go for him, wait for me! :P) Hope the situation turns out happily for you :D

brendiz 0

Ah I hate awkward situations like that! You give them a nice smile or something (just trying to be a polite cashier) & bam they think your interested THEN they become regular customers -_- Annoying....

Another male mind who's perception of reality has been distorted by pornography plotlines.