Creep alert

By Pop_Pies - 03/09/2009 13:27 - Australia

Today, I had been working at the checkout for over five hours. Slightly tired while serving a customer, my eye accidentally twitched and I gave him a wink. He smiled and winked back. When I finished work two hours later he was outside, waiting for me, and followed me to my car, still smiling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 088
You deserved it 4 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Uh, if you see someone outside waiting for you like that then you shouldn't walk to your car. Turn around, go back into where there are people, and call security. Once he knows what your car looks like, he can follow you home, which poses a whole other set of dangers.


sleepreader 0

OH MY GOD! i love communitychannel. I kinda love you too. r;

xoerica9 0

creep-tacular. definitely a bad idea to have walked to your car though, with him right there and all...once he's got your plate number he can pretty much track you down as well as he'd like. my advice is if you see him in your neighborhood, even once, call the cops. that isn't a chance encounter.

OMG, you might be right. I've had eye-twitches before, but never strong enough to make me wink. If the OP's a tweaker, she's got bigger problems than creepy guys in the parking lot.

expawn 0

peanut butter and crack sandwich

Man, I hate it when my face twiches but at least that's never happened to me!

jessicadawg 0

What a weirdo! ... Was he at least cute? Lmao.

Teleport to your house and pick up your car tomorrow! Duhh...

Moltenroks 0

It's an online game. @#27 Couldn't you be considered a Runescape freak for immediatly making that connection? I didn't even realize it could be connected until you brought it up. @ OP It's not really something to post an FML over. Just talk to him and clear it up.

wtf does that shitty game have to do with his post?

runescape IS sucks. but teleporting to and from work does sound like an interesting concept. think of the environmental benefits.. no public transport, no need for cars. of course, we could still keep cars for entertainment purposes. racing and long country road drives and stuff like that. but anyway, this is a person who isn't quite stable in the head (not ME, i'm talking about the creepy guy in this FML), the assumptions that he makes from a simple wink are waaaaaay way past sane levels. damn it, he probably wants to put you down a well and make you rub lotion on your skin.... maybe bring pepper spray to work in future.. and maybe a few energy drinks if you're tired.

Did you at least make it worth his two-hour wait?

Ahh. I hate when my eyelid twitches, it's been twitching for like three days straight now. So irritating. I hope that's the last time you ever see that freak =/

It's probably the last time she'll see him, but it's probably not the last time he'll see her... ಠ_ಠ eye does it too sometimes and now I'm glad no one ever mistook it for winking