Creeper alert!

By creeper-status - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Irvine

Today, I made a new friend at my college campus, which was great, until I added him on Facebook and he started liking posts from 3 years ago, asking if he could be my "dirty little secret" because he knows that I have a boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 563
You deserved it 1 063

Same thing different taste


Time to unfriend and avoid as much contact as you can.

mariri9206 32

Unfriend him. Unfriend him now.

Let him know he's done wrong when he's known it all along He'll go around a time or two Just to waste his time with you

Damn. He just met you and wants to be your "dirty little secret" especially while knowing that you have a bf? that's pretty messed up

Something similar happened to me, except I'm in high school not college. And he stalked me on Instagram and Snapchat as well as Facebook. What worked for me was blocking him on everything and making sure all my friends knew what happened so that they could help me avoid him. You don't have to be nice to him, but I suggest not being mean to him because he's obviously got some issues and you don't know how he'll react if you piss him off.

That's what the block function is for. The creep obviously has no self respect or respect for you.. he would not be a good friend. Kick the turd into the gutter where he belongs.