Creeper alert!

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boss came over to my desk and struck up a casual conversation about movies. After a while, he sat on the edge of my desk, nodded toward my chest, and said in the same casual, lighthearted tone, "And nice cleavage today. Keep that up." FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 728
You deserved it 13 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

baydestrian_girl 0


I bet you all she's a mom with young kids at home and she wanted to wear a nice looking shirt, but her pervert of a boss tryed to look down her shirt and commented on it. That's sick.

FlyMeAway 2

If the boss continues to make comments like that or makes a move, you can sue for sexual harassment.

AND... That's the quickest way to get a girl to cover up.

The boss said, "Nice cleavage today, KEEP THAT UP." I bet all the ignorant assholes commenting are men, or at least lots of them. And I thank the men taking to OP's side. Honestly! How many women from experience need to tell the rest of you how it feels? No boss or coworker should ever say that to a woman, and how do you know what she was wearing?

I'd probably just be amused that he had the guts to be so blunt.

Dear HR, Today, my boss came over to my desk and....

its a compliment but its so Pervy it cancels out

You people need to calm down. She's not being "sexually harassed." It's a COMPLIMENT, people are too sensitive these days. Some people would kill for a compliment ya know

Oh, so if someone rapes you because they find you attractive, it's a compliment? Yeah, they're at totally different levels but it doesn't make it any more or less a "compliment".

GrapeJuice67 17

Compliments: You look lovely today, You are very pretty, How thoughtful of you!, etc. Not Compliments: Saying "Nice Cleavage, Nice ****, Nice ass." It's not the same at all. Plus, this wasn't a bar, this wasn't a casual place, this was a work environment, which is meant to be professional. That was completely out of left field and unprofessional.