Creepy and spooky

By Dino - 12/10/2012 06:36 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, my new roommate showed me to my room, which I got a good deal on. I noticed a big black spot on the floor in the walk-in closet. When I asked, he said his last roommate committed suicide and he didn't want to pay to have the carpets professionally cleaned, hence the "good deal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 752
You deserved it 2 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i would probably leave. this guy must be a pretty bad roommate if people who live with him kill themselves 0_o

Hmmm girl living with guy suspicious bloodstains .... Get a padlock for your door and a handgun... Or move


Being slightly superstitious and having seen paranormal activities before, I'd say it's not that wise to live in a place where someone has committed suicide. I think what bothers OP the most isn't the stain, but the fact that there is possibly a restless spirit in that room right now.

Big whup I say. Put a rug over it or something

FMLoverAgain 7

Yelp! The dead person's soul still hangs around in that house. People who committed suicides are not happy souls. Better watch out.

monkiki62 5

Sounds like hes ****** with u op. probably a shit stain. xP

HappyBitch 1

I'd be sleeping with my eyes wide open. Kinda creepy that he wouldn't want that removed. Get yourself a lovely little handgun.

etoilenuit 15

That's terrible! I definitely couldn't live there. That's pretty gross. Especially since it obviously wasn't cleaned properly..

I actually think that's pretty cool. Although you roommate seems like a total nut

meh07jones 2

that's crazy, he was trying to save money though