Creepy and spooky

By Dino - 12/10/2012 06:36 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, my new roommate showed me to my room, which I got a good deal on. I noticed a big black spot on the floor in the walk-in closet. When I asked, he said his last roommate committed suicide and he didn't want to pay to have the carpets professionally cleaned, hence the "good deal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 752
You deserved it 2 376

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i would probably leave. this guy must be a pretty bad roommate if people who live with him kill themselves 0_o

Hmmm girl living with guy suspicious bloodstains .... Get a padlock for your door and a handgun... Or move


I would seriously shit my pants. Like for real, run as fast as you can.

1DLover74 6

That is depressing! Someone commited suicide! While everyone is worrying about OP, I feel bad that the person got leaded into taking away their life. :( R.I.P

That's thing thing though, we don't know the details of the suicide. There is no information about the person so we don't know if they took their lives because they were suffering from depression created by exterior forces, depression created by interior forces, if it was a guilt issue, fear, or if they were simply messed up in the head and one day thought "hmm today seems like a good day to die". Without such details it's really hard to feel anything except that quick sadness that occurs when any random human dies for any reason.

Yeah, get a weapon and locks. Not just one, but many.....and maybe a new heavier door.

Pinksinger101 1

Leave. That guy is a bad roommate.

alexxss_fml 10

Eh just put a little carpet over the stain. Good as new!!!!

Omg I could not live there!!!!! That's to freaky.

This is obviously fake. No one ever leaves a crime scene without... Srsly wtf?!?