
By bubba - 17/10/2011 10:02 - China

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years felt comfortable enough with me to disclose that he had previously spent 4 years in a mental institute because he tried to kill his mother. He also told me we will be together forever. I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 457
You deserved it 5 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, if he wants to be together forever he's probably not planning on killing you any time soon

I cant wait to see his reaction when you guys break up.


How did you not learn of this beforehand? Wouldnt there be warning signs of behavior you should be worried about?

cemetary_nights 5

Im curious how he spent the last 4 years in a mental institution when he was with you 3 of them?

He was in the institute the 4 years prior to us getting together

109 or maybe she's just dreaming about this. Dreaming about it while in another dream!

hey if his mommys still alive and the chick really loves her boyfran then i say shes good(:

sweetheartslim 0

And because of your great fear, your first course of action was to share with strangers... Uh what is your second course of action? The crazy notion of escaping?

Claim to go on a vacation an pack a lot of ur stuff, and leave

He's been your boyfriend for three years and your scared now? Your judging him and you should know him by now.