
By bubba - 17/10/2011 10:02 - China

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years felt comfortable enough with me to disclose that he had previously spent 4 years in a mental institute because he tried to kill his mother. He also told me we will be together forever. I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 457
You deserved it 5 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry, if he wants to be together forever he's probably not planning on killing you any time soon

I cant wait to see his reaction when you guys break up.


Did you ever consider he is lying...saying that to freak you out so you do break up with him.

Why are ppl saying don't be afraid? I just saw a story in ID where this guy killed his grandparents at 15 was institutionalized released had juvenile record expunged then became a serial rapist/murder..I'd be afraid too

brightstarwoman 3

Right! Some people can seem normal and be in normal relationships, then wham the crazy comes out!

Archer96 2

Pack for a move, break up with him and move to the middle of Kansas in a missile silo where no one will find you

ShadowFox36 3

damn thats bad...maybe you should leave him....while in a police station

chels1994 11

I'd love to see his reaction after reading this

Roxhymn 0

Run, far away. Change your name, appearance and everything. Get away from him...


4ugu4 7

Run. Run for your life. Literally.