
By Anonymous - 13/09/2016 02:51 - United States - Omaha

Today, I was laying in my bed and discovered a couple of stray black hairs scattered about. This was odd considering I have light strawberry blonde hair but I forgot about it only to later see my hair brush have more of the same black hairs. I live alone. I'm scared. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 691
You deserved it 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I want a follow up just to make sure OP is alive...

StiffPvtParts 43

This sort of thing happens more often than you'd think, and take it from someone who knows, there's little more terrifying than waking up in the middle of the night and hearing someone breathing heavily next to your bed. I was just a little kid when this happened to me, so I just tried to stay still and pretended to be asleep. Though, this wasn't an isolated incident... Before this happened, I would often hear footsteps and the creeks of doors opening and closing during the night. We also noticed that certain items would move places and sweets often went missing; I suspected my brother was the culprit, but he always denied it and blamed me instead... He called me a greedy ****. Anyways, it turned out someone small (probably a child) was living in the tight crawl spaces between the walls of the old, early 19th century house that we were renting out. We only stayed there for 2 months before moving the hell out. TL;DR: RUN, OP! RUN FAR AND NEVER LOOK BACK! D:


Call the police? See if they can pull any DNA off of the hair follicles.

Even if they can get DNA off it, the most it would say is what kind of creature produced the hair. If it human, unless OP also gave them some of their hair, the only thing they could do is match it against the federal database. Meaning for a lot of money/time, OP would only find out if it was human, and that it probably isn't hers, but doesn't match any KNOWN criminals.

What if it's that woman from The Grudge, slithering around your house and using your hairbrush? O_O

OP, you might even consider reporting this to the police. There's probably not much they can do, but this could help with documentation while you figure out what's really going on.

o homeless women once lived in a person should house for a year before they noticed. check ur stiches and basement if u have one as well as other areas. and get secret cameras

Please comment and let us know if you're alright, OP.

A cat might have snuck into your house. They do that.