
By annonymous - 19/09/2012 06:24 - United States

Today, I was talking on the phone with my crush. After an hour of talking she told me, "If you were half as hot as you sound over the phone, I'd date you immediately." Maybe I should give up on love and start a phone sex line. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 352
You deserved it 2 711

Same thing different taste

Top comments


BerryPrincess 11

But here's my number, so call maybe.

Well there you go you already know the solution to your problem!!!

Most people wouldn't consider my boyfriend "hot" but he has one of the sexiest voices I've ever heard, and that played a big role when he was wooing me...a lot of which took place over the phone, since we live 130 miles away from each other. Don't worry OP. Whether or not things work out with this girl, you'll find someone who appreciates you and that asset of yours.

You need better standards! If you're only appreciating her for her looks why expect her to do anything different ??

Who says he only likes her for her looks?

Next time call ur crush before you see her in person :P Sorry OP. there are better XXs out there for your XYs :P

SApprentice 34

Eh, she's a dick, don't worry about her. You have a sexy voice, and that's a really good thing. Women love sexy voices. You'll have somebody swooning for you soon, somebody who is not that shallow.

SmittyJA24 26

Why do I think this is a 2-girl (lesbian) thing? Guys don't "crush".