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By Brunette, small breasts - 24/07/2016 18:51 - Romania - Campina

Today, I decided to finally talk to my crush. I said, "Hello" to which he replied, "First, dye your hair blonde and grow some boobs, then we can talk business." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 040
You deserved it 1 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an ass. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there.

You are so lucky! Now you know what he is all about and you can avoid him. If someone is just after appearance, they will always find something that needs to be fixed. The ones I feel sorry for are the blondes with a full bust. He might be nice around them at first so they may not realize what an asshole he is!


What an ass. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there.

Awfully nice of him to prove how much of an asshole he is right off the bat. Saves lots of heartache and hurt feeling later. OP dodged an huge bullet as you said.

Crush 1 down, crush 2 to be found.

You are so lucky! Now you know what he is all about and you can avoid him. If someone is just after appearance, they will always find something that needs to be fixed. The ones I feel sorry for are the blondes with a full bust. He might be nice around them at first so they may not realize what an asshole he is!

He was just a crush, which probably meant you didn't know him well in the first place. Now you know what kind of person he is and you can move on. And please don't think too much about what he said. Everyone has their type, but he didn't have to be a dipshit about it!

flyingflies 36

"As long as you grow a brain..."

Whether someone is intelligent or stupid has nothing to do with how much of an asshole he is. There are very mean people who are also very intelligent -- and less intelligent people who would never say anything hurtful.

True, but someone intelligent could also think "we are human beings, not animals, i am going to politely tell her she is not my type" or at least just "if i say it like that i will look like a dumbass." Or also "let's try to look nice in case other girls are watching" as mean as they can be. So he is still somewhat stupid in my opinion.

I think you're looking for a heart, not a brain.

notabanana 8

Intelligence has nothing to do with it. It's more common sense/courtesy. Some people think just because they're smart/rich/pretty that they're better than everyone else.

The intelligence spectrum is completely different from the respect spectrum, or as I call it, the "respectrum."

Sounds like he's done you a favour! Now you can concentrate your efforts on liking someone genuine who will appreciate you for the way you are.

Don't do either of that stuff! Screw that guy!

Goblin182 26

If she doesn't do either of those things what you suggested ain't gonna happen.

I'm not sure she has much of a choice when it comes to growing boobs...

Don't worry, there's plenty of guys who enjoy a smaller-chested girl. Screw that guy, you don't have to lower yourself to anyone's standards but your own. Just be glad it was just a crush when you found out what a jerk he was. Agreed with #2, appearance is not everything. Personality can and does make the person. You'll find someone much better, trust me.

Our opinions and preferences don't and shouldn't matter. We don't need to console her about her own damn body. That's not the point of this FML. It's that she had her hopes dashed by the object of her affection being a hurtful douche.

i shall say to you as my father said to me (this is to you as well OP) short tall fat small 19 to 90 i like them all. really though fvck that guy op im sure your beautiful :)

harleyivy 7

Congratulations on dodging a huge bullet.

askullnamedbilly 33

**** that guy - or actually, don't. Under any circumstances. You should also feel free to tell your female friends (especiall the busty blondes) about his attitude so no one else falls for his crap.

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Yeah, 10 minutes of being beaten up by guys with baseball bats.

TMO2142 25

Your name and comment is perfect.

yeah, and has no class, so I hope he never gets it. dated a guy who was into big breasts and it was just annoying and tried to control the way I dressed to show them off. guys like this are pathetic: not your type? make a new friend instead of an ass of yourself.

Yeah, a Barbie doll. That dude can take a flying leap.

That doesn't mean he has to be a jerk. There's this thing called being nice and polite and just saying "sorry you're not my type"