
By Anonymous - 12/08/2012 23:08 - United States - Saddle Brook

Today, while on my morning jog, I turned a corner, and out of nowhere, the business end of a bicycle hit me straight in the nuts. As I collapsed, gasping in agony, the guy who just killed a hundred million of my potential children got back on his bike and cycled away without a word. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 473
You deserved it 2 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least he didn't threaten to sue afterwards.

TheDrifter 23

Oh bollocks. There goes your dream of repopulating the earth in your image this afternoon.


happyday123_321 2

#47.... Where do you come up with this stuff?

friedbunnies 9

First: which is the "business end"? Second: a hundred million of your potential children? I hope your future baby mama has an olympic uterus.

He probably thought you were some crazy guy writhing on the ground screaming. No wonder he left so quick

That man was a secret agent for the governments population control project. It seems to be highly effective.

acetheone 8

nut injuries are the worst. fyl op.

xxjenn27xx 8

That sucks! I would kick someone in the balls hard as i could if i saw that happen to anyone

skullofdarkness 18

But who? The guy rode away, so the only guy left for you to kick would be OP. O.O