
By Anonymous - 12/08/2012 23:08 - United States - Saddle Brook

Today, while on my morning jog, I turned a corner, and out of nowhere, the business end of a bicycle hit me straight in the nuts. As I collapsed, gasping in agony, the guy who just killed a hundred million of my potential children got back on his bike and cycled away without a word. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 472
You deserved it 2 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least he didn't threaten to sue afterwards.

TheDrifter 23

Oh bollocks. There goes your dream of repopulating the earth in your image this afternoon.


Which end of a bicycle is the "business end"?

olpally 32

Yes, yes I did... I also lit the beacon outside of my house on fire to let the world know I slept with cheryl teagues...(family guy-quagmire's true love)

lexi365 20

What's with all the assholes on bikes lately especially on FML?

Assholes on bikes are trying to make their 2012 summer quota of mayhem.

perdix 29

The business end?!?!? Would you have preferred to be hit in the nuts by the party end? Are you confusing bikes with mullets? Your kids didn't die in the collision. If that worked, birth control would be greatly simplified -- for women, at least. If you had to take a nut shot to have sex, many guys would become celibate.

Well maybe guys who have had sex before... What if said guy is into BDSM? I'd take a nut shot if it meant I'd get laid. But that's just me

perdix 29

#46, I dunno. I only got my first right-on-the-money nut shot a few years ago -- I almost vomited, and I couldn't think of sex for many hours after that. Previously, I had a few glancing blows to the happy sacks, but that does not prepare you for the full-blown ball-busting.

My god, I'll bet every guy just squirmed reading that

#41 - I love your choice of words for all of your posts. xD

#51 Good God, my balls hurt from simply reading that...

Maybe he wad in a hurry to get help?

Or you have a better chance of producing a "special child"

Oh good I forgot to make sure you did that too

perdix 29

#22, but it will take a hell of a long time. Karma will visit the cyclist in his next life. Without the OP's knowledge, he'll be reincarnated as a bug that gets squashed. Not a very satisfying outcome.

Austyn57 1