
By Anonymous - 12/08/2012 23:08 - United States - Saddle Brook

Today, while on my morning jog, I turned a corner, and out of nowhere, the business end of a bicycle hit me straight in the nuts. As I collapsed, gasping in agony, the guy who just killed a hundred million of my potential children got back on his bike and cycled away without a word. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 472
You deserved it 2 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least he didn't threaten to sue afterwards.

TheDrifter 23

Oh bollocks. There goes your dream of repopulating the earth in your image this afternoon.


you deserved it for not looking where you were going. take it and move on

YDI for not looking when turning a corner

You should of called me over to suck on those nuts !

He was probably just so awfully embarrassed that he couldn't say anything and just ran away from the situation. That's not good though. It's really rude to not apologize after that :/

Dude, u will be in agony, but its imposible.frim blunt force alone to bust a testical, get well soon bro

*notices the beacon on the mountain is flaming this morning* "Cheryl Teagues, nice!!!"

The wording of this post is priceless! Oh and OUCH!!

Every time you ********** you kill a hundred million of your potential children.

KiddNYC1O 20

I see it as them diving. Sky or water.

Seriously, suck it up. It's does hurt, but it won't kill you.