
By Anonymous - 12/08/2012 23:08 - United States - Saddle Brook

Today, while on my morning jog, I turned a corner, and out of nowhere, the business end of a bicycle hit me straight in the nuts. As I collapsed, gasping in agony, the guy who just killed a hundred million of my potential children got back on his bike and cycled away without a word. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 472
You deserved it 2 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, at least he didn't threaten to sue afterwards.

TheDrifter 23

Oh bollocks. There goes your dream of repopulating the earth in your image this afternoon.


uhnevermind 24

Why did I imagine this as a rage comic? Either way, FYL OP.

Of course this post is from the states.

DaGrimRetard 8

lol, hit and run. but still fyl

This, and the post awhile back where a cyclist threatened to sue the OP because he rode his bike into a pole after slapping OP in the face, are reasons why motorists and pedestrians unite in their hatred for cyclists.

That's horrible!!! People should be more considerate of others!!! What kind of world do we live in?!?!

hateevryone 14

At least he didn't laugh, but he was wrong though.

Is that considered a hit and run? Bikes don't have plate numbers (or even plates for that matter) so I don't know how you'd catch the jerk. I'm sorry but I laughed so hard at the "thousands of potential children" part. :D Your life sucks for sure but that cracked me up.

jwally726 0
davidm200 6

nope..... better than getting ur nuts RUN OVER!!!