
By Rai - 24/03/2009 16:11 - Canada

Today, I got up extra early to curl my hair because I wanted to look nice at school for a change. After coming downstairs my mom yells at me and says, "See, when you don't wake up on time your hair looks like that. You could have at least combed it!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 913
You deserved it 6 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always have replied: "Your face looks like someone shit on it, regardless of when you wake up."


I think you should tell her you're trying the bedhead look, and this is how your hair is supposed to look. :P

Some people just think anything that's not rail-straight hair is messy and/or needs combed or brushed. I used to think my hair was awful and frizzy without using styling products and a hair iron ... come to find out that if I take care of it, it's actually got lovely waves and sometimes curls and I love it.

@ 65, r u from western PA/eastern OH? i noticed u said "needs combed" as do natives of [my] said area. . . .

ienvymyself 0

wow ... thats really mean of your mom ... even if i look like a peice of shytt my mom wouldnt say that ..

hassenpfeffermmm 0

don't worry. curly hair is sexy in my book.

my mom does this too. it really sucks when your own mother talks shit to you about your looks.

0.o I'm sorry. :c I've been curling my hair at school from a drama production and I get complents because one of my friends curls it for me. If I did it myself...