
By Rai - 24/03/2009 16:11 - Canada

Today, I got up extra early to curl my hair because I wanted to look nice at school for a change. After coming downstairs my mom yells at me and says, "See, when you don't wake up on time your hair looks like that. You could have at least combed it!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 69 913
You deserved it 6 003

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could always have replied: "Your face looks like someone shit on it, regardless of when you wake up."


magicalotters 0

#36 - Haha, you have friends? What a loser. You're totally not going to die with only your sixty cats to comfort you in your final moments. I bet you'll get asked to prom, and go out and have fun this weekend. Freak.

kjxmlxmon 0

that sucks. my hair has actually been messed up ever since this one trip to the salon. so now my hair is frizzy & all over the place. now when i straighten it, of course it looks dead. so either way, unstraightened, or straightened, it sucks. even though it's just hair, i'm still pretty sensitive about it.

When curling isn't done correctly, it does look la little messy. Next time curl it better. FYL - For having a bitchy mom YDI - For not knowing how to properly curl your hair. I'm torn.

lol it would be pretty hilarious if you told your mom #3's comment..

Ah, damn, that sounds like something my mother would do., seriously. :(

eeejit0102 0

"atleast" is not one word arrrrrghhhh wtf