Cursed cursive

By Mac - 16/09/2009 17:05 - France

Today, I was called by my son's school. They said he'd been forging my signature and comments in his reading book. He didn't forge them. I don't know what's worse: my handwriting looking like a 6 year-old's, or being too cowardly to admit it. He has a week of lunch detention, but I still have my dignity. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 392
You deserved it 115 824

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You let your kid get a week's worth of detention because you won't admit it was you? Some parent you are. Your kid's gonna be pissed at you, and you deserve all of it.


Bullshet 0

This is just sad in so many ways.

jewelzgalore 0

Omg you're such a BITCH! I'm so glad you're not my mother.

captainmaharet 1

people like you shouldn't have ******* kids. What the **** is wrong with you? I hope your kid throws broken glass into your eyes.

punchuinthejeans 0

such a great example. don't expect anything about this kid, mr. Dignity

Ibeapirate 0

You realize that you can never, ever punish your kid for anything until you admit what you did, right? And even then, you're basically screwed for life, because he's NEVER going to forget it. ever. Enjoy his teenage years.

You disgust me. How could you do that to your own child? And to think you found it story-worthy enough to post up on FML, which just goes to show you're not even ashamed. You don't deserve to be a parent.

Well, hate to break it to you, but after posting this on FML, that dignity you're relying on so much is shot. So the end result is that your hand writing still sucks, you don't have your dignity, and your son is probably wondering why his mom didn't come to his defense at the time when she should have, thus ruining his credibility at school with his teachers and ruining his confidence in you as a mother. Oh, and you've got thousands of people who, after reading that post, believe you to be the scum of the earth and despise you incredibly., actually, yea lol, F your life.