Cursed media

By Zack - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Israel

Today, I tried to prove to my dad that he snores by secretly putting a tape recorder under his bed. I soon found out my parents had sex that night. Apparently, my mom likes to talk dirty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 298
You deserved it 97 768

Top comments

ayumi_fml 0 you listened to the whole tape??

Herbal_fml 0

Oh dear me. You didn't see this happening?


Unsure_1 0

How about you tell him about it? It's not going to change the fact that he snores or not if he knows that your recording it.

nomoresleepovers 0

obviously she can hear him but wants to prove to her dad that he snores by recording it then playing it back to him duhhhhh

mama2b3 20

omg me and ur mom have this in common!! lol next time dont listen get over it you'll be okay.

borche 5

Did he snore afterwards? Lol

inkdeath87 18

Never plant a mic, because you probably won't like what you hear.

I guess you didn't see that cumming