Dad jokes

By Dinger1992 - 23/10/2012 13:19 - United States

Today, my dad was teaching me how to drive. He told me that stop signs with white outlines are "optional." I ran through the next one I saw and got pulled over by a cop. My dad is making me pay the ticket for being "that stupid." Thanks dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 126
You deserved it 41 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KalCountry76 12

You should read the Driver's ED manual again.


OP sounds retarded and should pay that ticket. If you are that dumb then you shouldn't even be learning to drive.

it was a test! It was optional but you should stop or you get a ticket or in an accident. No one said you had to follow rules of the road, its just the right thing to do lol. which most ppl dont do.

gabe222 25

Honestly, Family Guy came to mind. When Peter teaches Meg the "rules of the road" Ha! Just remember, catch eye contact and rev once.

It would be the 'yield' sign that are pretty much optional stop signs. As in you stop if traffic is coming. I'm sure OP got a drivers handbook when they received their permit with all this information and description of the signs in it! YDI!

Is it just me, or there was a similar FML like this one, where it was a friend or a brother?

63 - Actually, somebody *did* say you have to follow the rules of the road. That's why it's in the law.

My dad told me speed limits were suggestions when we were passing the police station/block. You can never take them seriously.

looloothing 9

That exactly what I was thinking 102

Bekeliyr 10

Sigh... you guys don't get it. #63 is completely right. It's the law but noone but yourself can stop you from your judgement. A teacher tells us we can cheat on a test if we wanted to. So a student cheats but gets caught so the teacher took his test and ripped it. The student said to him that we could cheat. The teacher said you could cheat 'if you wanted to'. but that doesn't mean it's right and there will be consequences for every action.

chell1894 13

Haha I've said this to so many people even my little sister when she drove for the first time but none of them were dumb enough to fall for it.

They didn't say they were a licensed driver who had learned everything there is to learn. They said they were learning to drive. I love how people jump to "well a person who had already learned this would know that so automatically you are judged by those standards" There are some obscure driving laws that aren't always put into the drivers ed book or are a mere footnote. She was trusting her teacher to not lie to her. If your teacher tells you something and you start disbelieving everything they say when you have no knowledge base of your own then you are an idiot.

Don't even know how to use the reply button. Shame.

On the one hand, it was shitty of your dad to trick you like that. On the other hand, it was pretty stupid of you to fall for it.

"Thanks dad"? It's 100% your fault. I honestly think the ticket should be doubled and your permit should be suspended. Running stop signs are completely reckless and utterly dangerous. Even in your manual it states you must stop at ALL stop signs. Even then it's common sense that you stop at one because the other drivers might not have one. I saw a accident where a lady ran her stop sign, she was T-boned by a truck, her passenger died. Your lucky the ticket was all that happened. I hope to god that your dad thinks twice before letting you behind the wheel again. Also as old as this "the ones with the white lines are optional" thing is, you've never herd or read ANYTHING about it...EVER?

chellyX92: Holy overreaction Batman! CTFD, we've established OP is an idiot.

Dinger, you're an idiot. That's just all there is to it.

Yea, I realized that too late :-/ My bad.

Anyone else laugh their asses off at "Running stop signs are completely dangerous and utterly reckless"?

missamazinggg 12

If you actually believed that, you shouldn't be driving.

RedPillSucks 31

The rant may have been an overreaction but why would you think it's OK to run a stop sign? I've witnessed several accidents where someone has been T-boned and a passenger seriously injured. This is no joke.

Wish more people would have the attitude of #35, tbh. Better be safe than sorry. No need to learn your lesson after the bad stuff has occured. There's a reason we make a big deal out of getting a driver's license in Denmark - as everyone should. A lot of people fail the tests, it's pretty expensive and you have to attain the age of 18 within three months before you can start taking your driver's license. Also the punishment for breaking rules is strict, but fair!

Why is everyone being like this? Perhaps you forgot what it's like to be a gullible teenager that actually listens to their parents once in a while. It's his dad's fault for saying that in the first place.

BellaBelle_fml 23

It doesn't matter that the OP may possibly be a teenager. Most people know some of the basic rules of the road when they are still children by simply riding in the car with their parents. And I'd say a stop sign is probably the most basic.

Unless you live in Detroit. Then after dark you run that shit. Signs tell you to in certain places.

Polograte 0

I don't understand, running stop signs is still a serious thing. You could hurt yourself and others. Someone can even lose a life. Don't underestimate this. She still could be a teenager, but teenagers still need to know something as basic as a stop sign. What if you were the one who ran it and you were responsible for a lost life? This isn't a joke, like some of you think.

congrats on second post to your own fml though

CommonSenseKarma 17

I have to laugh historically and/or snort at the utter stupidity of downvoting 10's comment. Running a stop sign IS completely dangerous. Fact = fact no matter which way you put it. People HAVE died from stuff like this. My dad almost did.

KalCountry76 12

You should read the Driver's ED manual again.

Yeah what did you think OP? They just put the sign there cause it looked good? It's there for a reason!

I've never seen a stop sign with a white outline, and I've read every page of the drivers book. Do they not have them in sc?

I would suggest taking the bus from now on. The road is not your calling.

How does someone even fall for that? Common sense should be used by people. There seems to be a lack of it more and more.

RedPillSucks 31

It's called "trusting your father". Lesson learned.

But even if you're new to driving you should know otherwise. The only place they are optional is in Quebec. Then ALL stop signs are suggestions. Haha.

unknown_user5566 26

Did you not have to pass a test to earn your driver's permit, before getting to the actual driving part? If so, you definitely should have known better (also because it's COMMON SENSE).

You're wrong, you can drive on private roads before getting any kind of permit or liscense.

Common sense is a rare commodity these days! If you have it, please use it!

I learned to drive a stick when I was 12. It was an old lot I practiced on.

unknown_user5566 26

12- May I direct your attention to my second point? It's common sense. Honestly, it's called a stop sign for a reason. If you're old enough to drive, you've had plenty of time to figure that out.

Yup, especially after years of driving with your parents. You'd think OP would've figured it out by then, but I guess not. I only had to learn a few signs when I got my license and that was only because I spent most of my life in Germany and a few of the signs looked a little different. Seriously though, OP's dad is a dick and OP is kind of stupid.

I was commenting about the driving before getting a permit or liscense before driving, not the common sense part.

RedPillSucks 31

OP most likely would not have been given a ticket on a private road. I'm only guessing though.

In California, for me at least... If under 18, 1. DRIVERS ED 2. Earn Certificate if Completion 3. Present Certificate at DMV 4. Take 50 Question test 5. Pass test within 3 attempts. $30 for 3 Tries 6. 6 Hours Behind the Wheel Training 7. 50 Hours with Parent - 10 at night 8. Hold Permit for 6 Months 9. Schedule Test 45 days prior to Permit Date 10. Pass Test, FREEDOM!

Common sense? It used to be common sense that the world was flat and objects with twice the weight of another would fall twice as fast.

I think you're mistaking "common sense" with "common knowledge"...

You also can't get a ticket on private roads if they got a ticket then they were on public roads

#12: Why would the city/county be putting stop signs up on private roads?

Why would private roads have stop signs on them?

YDI OP you are about to be a driver and its common sense a stop sign means stop. Seems you should study more before driving and learn the rules before I run you off it!

It seems that the collective opinion is against revenge.. That's a shame :(

Honestly, if you've taken drivers ed (which is required) you SHOULD have known better.

twinny_sc 13

Actually driver's ed isn't required in some places. It's not even offered where I'm located.

My school doesn't offer drivers Ed. I just read the manual and took the test. Been learning and practicing for three months now. I have never seen anything about driver Ed being a requirement. I know that if kids take it, the insurance company gives you a discount, sometimes.

In Ohio you have to take it to get your license, regardless of if your school offers it or not

It wasn't required for my school either. We had the class though.

Here my school didn't have drivers ed but there are tons of different "driving schools" although they aren't required. Most people only take them so they can have cheaper insurance and get their fulls more quickly. I would suggest it for OP though...

In the US drivers Ed is required for anyone under the age of 18.. Whether the school provides it or not, which I'm pretty sure 99.99% of the schools do. If not there are plenty driving schools around

Hmm. That must be a new law, because when I was 16, it wasn't required. It was optional. It was however offered at my school, but wasn't mandatory to take.

redsoxgrl824- I'm pretty sure that only varies by state. Here in PA, it's not required but I believe schools do have to go over the driver safety guidelines once a year. That might have been my school though. I may be wrong though and a new law may have been passed but that had to have been after getting my permit and license. I know the driving hours portion has changed to include, i think, a total of 60 hours. Ten have to be at night and five in deplorable conditions. ie: snow, rain, fog, etc. Again, I may be wrong.

It does vary by state. Transportation is a state-regulated thing.

happyvocal 1

Driver's ED ******* sucked. My driving instructor was an asshole, and even though I have my permit now, I haven't driven because I always feel like I'm messing up or I'm going to get in an accident. I have anxiety. Not to mention he showed a video about highway accidents to our class that we couldn't opt out of, which only made my fear a lot worse. Don't do driver's ed: take lessons from a trusty adult and read the manual, and be mature enough to make responsible decisions on the road.

tne201992 12

Our school dropped Drivers Ed, stupid budget cuts!

Yes, OP should have known better. On the other hand, OP's father should be teaching her to drive rather than sabotaging her for ***** and giggles. He fails at parenting.

Maybe he's messing her up because he secretly doesn't want her driving yet?

Or he's just a mega asshole. It sucks that OP got screwed by his antics, but kinda YDI for being at least almost 16 years old and not bring smart enough to know one of the most basic rules of the road..

Not necessarily. Maybe OP's already read the manual and everything and her dad's just testing her. She could even have her permit. You don't know for sure, since it isn't stated. But OP SHOULD have used her common sense, or what little they may have.

And to you down-thumbers, by he being the mega asshole I meant the dad...

Don' worry karma always gets people back.:)

koolkat27 13

Maybe karma will get OP back for being stupid.