Daily news

By tj85 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received a letter in the mail. The letter was from a woman who explained to me every single detail of a three month affair she had with my husband. She included pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 509
You deserved it 2 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sue her for emotional distress and harassment and wax off your husbands eyebrows while he sleeps. then divorce his sorry a**


That is brutal.. my sympathy goes out to you. If I was you, I would seduce his best mate or brother and start your own affair.

Look at the bright side : now you know that he is a bastard so he won't make a fool of you anymore. Keep the photos for the divorce trial :) Don't let his mistress get over this easily, make her pay too !

At least it was in detail. That way you wont feel sympathy for your cheating hubby. People in the 21st century are too desensitized. Cheating is a bland word due to tv and movies. Take every belonging in the house while his at work and move to another country. if you divorce him you need to go halves with him.

fuckyouasshole66 0
Comentator 0

Would you rather not know at all? At least she finally told you.

What a bitch! Not only did she knowly sleep with your husband and very well try to steal him away but now that it hasn't worked out for her( what did she really expect) she now has to rub it in your face. Of course your husband isn't faultless in this but at least he had the desency to try to hide it. I don't know how well he did it but he tried. My solution take him for every cent and set that **** on fire or sue the shit out of her too if it is legal in your state !

perdix 29

Write her back that he's HIV positive. That'll **** her up good for a few weeks until she can be sure she doesn't have it.

blitzkrieg77 0

what a bitch. seek revenge on her and your husband.