Daily news

By tj85 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I received a letter in the mail. The letter was from a woman who explained to me every single detail of a three month affair she had with my husband. She included pictures. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 509
You deserved it 2 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sue her for emotional distress and harassment and wax off your husbands eyebrows while he sleeps. then divorce his sorry a**


at least she saved you some trouble by sending you the pix. hire a good attorney and tell him good riddance!!!!

bfffness 0

women are just as likely to cheat as men are... look it up

pol in general are only as faithful as thier options. appearantly he had options

Saintsation 0

Oh my god the same thing happened to me. It was my 21st b-day and I got a letter in the mail from the girl my boyfriend at the time was cheating on me with pics and all. Then I got a phone call from my boyfriend telling me he never loved me and he was just using me. I was completely heart broken. I wish I could say I got even but all I did was take his credit cards and money. Nothing compared to what he did. But it does feel great to say that 3 years later he still calls every once in a while to tell me he still loves me and what a huge mistake he made! Baha that bastard and bitch are still together completely misserable and I love it!!!

cam007_fml 0

So you got a romance novel with pictures from someone you don't know? Stop complaining. Throw a party.

Saintsation 0

They're still together bc he got her pregnant while we were still together and she threatens to kill herself if he leaves. Trust me in the long run you will realize how lucky you are to be out of such a horrible relationship. And before anyone says it doesnt compare in pain I dated that guy for almost 4 years. He was my first everything. It was so hard to get over the pain.

vengeance ! vendetta ! forward the email to all his friends and co-workers and answer the stupid bitch who sent it that u don't care because your husband has a very annoying sexual disease nd that's why u don't have any shag with him anymore