Deez nutz

By balls - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Santa Clara

Today, the only reason I took a shower was because I could smell my dick sweat while still wearing underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 628
You deserved it 30 957

Top comments


Dude what the hell is your problem why would you wait untill you can smell your balls to take a shower

healthcarechick 9
stewpididiot 11

easy now folks...there IS a drought on...way to conserve the ho OP.... try putting a couple of dryer sheets down the front & prolly the back of your skivvies...that should buy you a couple of days....

I advise you take a shower every day.... So that you don't smell like balls.

cynthianicole95 9

I'm sorry but that's disgusting and dirty as all hell. YDI

I'm with you, man... me and my fiance pretty much shower for similar reasons... we're not proud of it...

There is no way you don't deserve this. That's ******* disgusting. No one is going to want to touch that.