Deez nutz

By balls - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Santa Clara

Today, the only reason I took a shower was because I could smell my dick sweat while still wearing underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 628
You deserved it 30 957

Top comments


No one noticed he's from california? where there's a water shortage? ?

I've heard of people taking short showers because of it, not stopping showers until you stink bad enough.

They've never limited how much you can take a shower. And water shortage or not, there's no reason to not take a shower for so long that you start smelling like that.

ohmyrosie 14

lolololol you learn something new everyday

nyvine 6

I'd like to say as a chick, you don't know shit until period smell hits. To be quite frank, being able to smell yourself isn't good and can be simply you just wearing clothes that suffocate you and impact you more because you have overactive sweat glands. Have a great day.

I made the mistake of taking a lookt at FML while eating!!

I'm gonna take wild guess and say you're also single

The ONLY reason?? Duuuude. Reality check.