Deez nutz

By balls - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Santa Clara

Today, the only reason I took a shower was because I could smell my dick sweat while still wearing underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 628
You deserved it 30 957

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That's not an FML. The fact that that's the ONLY reason you shower is just disgusting.

I don't know if this is only me but aren't you supposed to shower every day?

Gonna assume you've been single for a while... And that's not likely to change.

OP might have depression. severe depression often causes people to be unmotivated even for hygiene/eating/other simple stuff unfortunately

Could be any number of reasons for it tho, like I'm on medication that ends up causing me to sweat excessively, so no matter how many baths showers I take I can be sweaty/ feeling smelly after like just 30 mins. It's embarrassing af but my mates are good about it