Deez nutz

By balls - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Santa Clara

Today, the only reason I took a shower was because I could smell my dick sweat while still wearing underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 628
You deserved it 30 957

Top comments


you don't shower everyday like most people?

I feel no sympathy for people who choose not to shower

Taking a shower every day is what you should be doing regardless. Hygiene is important. for your dick to smell so sweaty and gross you must have not showered for ages. Yuck. YDI

ohnoyoudidnt2 2

you should shower long before the old fromunder cheese makes it presence known. nothing like smegma to motivate you.

Dam I wish my boyfriend would do the same.

What I want to know is...why did you share this with us? Do you hate humanity?

kimise 21

Who needs reasons to take a shower?

You're disgusting. At least you took a shower... You should probably do that daily. If you smelled it, imagine what other people smelled...