
By MYLIFESUX - 12/04/2009 06:50 - United States

Today, I was sitting using my laptop, while eating a bag of Starbursts. The bag slid off the bed, so I went to catch it and in the process my knee hit my laptop, which flew off the bed onto the wooden floor, and shattered. I broke my laptop to save 11 Starbursts from falling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 202
You deserved it 56 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chaith 16

Well, what color were most of them?

how did I know? It was OVER 2000 DOLLARS!!!


Quinnjamin 0

I hope you enjoyed those starbursts

LuvPink 0

ummm first of all...what kind of shitty ass computer did you get that it would shatter after being dropped? ive dropped mine accidentally a few times and it still works. i think this is fake or u just got ripped off hardcore. either way ur dumb.

LuckyCharms_fml 0

#33 she probably got a mac...aka got ripped off hardcore

if they were the orange ones maybe it was worth it

Acer Aspire 8920G, the anti-Macbook Pro. Second day I got it, it fell down stone steps in a (lightly) padded bag. I was almost crying, but picked it up, flipped it open and found out that the only thing the drop did was wake it up out of sleep mode, windows login screen was right there waiting for me. never, ever had a problem with it.

I swear this happened before on fmylife.

If you treat a $2500 laptop like that, I can't imagine you don't have the money to go out and buy twelve more.