
By MYLIFESUX - 12/04/2009 06:50 - United States

Today, I was sitting using my laptop, while eating a bag of Starbursts. The bag slid off the bed, so I went to catch it and in the process my knee hit my laptop, which flew off the bed onto the wooden floor, and shattered. I broke my laptop to save 11 Starbursts from falling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 202
You deserved it 56 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chaith 16

Well, what color were most of them?

how did I know? It was OVER 2000 DOLLARS!!!


It's a mac. 1) Because it's >2k 2) Because people who eat starbursts generally use macs.

whoisthisgirl 4

Sir, that was a dumb statement.

Mayonnaise_fml 0

I've read this story before... on this site. But it wasn't starburst.

My laptop cost less than half yours and it's definitely better than yours now. =P

geesquared 0

HEY. Macs aren't just a waste of money. I don't see any viruses on my iMac, and I have full access to programs ya can't get on a PC.

CastleHCP 1

Oh yes, like Crysis 2 and Skyrim! OS X is so fully featured and can handle anything you care to throw at it! It's just amazing how well it runs Splinter Cell Conviction. Macs are shiny, white, overpriced and boast pretty much only Final Cut Pro as exclusive software.

You know star bursts are covered. Right?