
By Anonymous - 04/03/2014 04:12 - United States - Woodland

Today, my mom left the house in the morning, leaving me alone. I called and I got no answer. Hours later, she finally answers one of my calls and tells me that she'd been in an AA meeting all this time. Happy, I tell her to come home. She came home drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 174
You deserved it 3 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

3051628 24

Don't give up hope yet OP, these kinds of things just take time, patience, and a lot of support. Be there for your mother and I'm sure that you can both power through this. As hard as it can be, you just have to maintain the right mindset with these kinds of things. I'm sure things will turn out for the best in the end

chocolatefrog28 29

Keep supporting her and encourage more AA meetings, you can't get better after just one. Good luck OP.


Aligator67 12

My mom did that to me once. Except she was at a work meeting (which she works at a bar), and it just so happened to be the last day to sign up for my classes.

I was actually looking for the LIKE button on this..

as a guy that formerly attended aa meetings, those things made me want to drink myself to death, plus almost always I saw the people there right after coming out of the meeting going to the nearest gas station for a 12 pack of beer...

I would have zero idea why people would vote YDI on this . This is by far most one of the heartbreaking FYL stories . I hope things will change for your op .:/

Trust me dear, if the person that has the addiction to the substance in question is not truly ready, they won't benefit from it. It very well could be a relapse, but don't let it get to you that much. Be very supportive, encourage her to go again if you want to but don't be pushy. And don't make the same mistakes I did..Yelling at her/causing fights with her won't help. Calmness is key when it comes to these things. I wish you and your mother the VERY best!!

tehdarkness 21

Support her as much as you can but always remember to put yourself first.

oregonmaniac 5

why would you need to tell her to come home? do you control your parents?

gcmxx 10

This is literally how my mom is, you're not alone man