
By tp2014 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Jesup

Today, I was looking for a job. I was so desperate for gas money to drive around town that I had to steal $20 from my sister. She's only 10 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 840
You deserved it 23 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ashleyjade12 9

I hope you plan on paying her back.

XBurytheCastleX 25


It makes me sad seeing that there are more FYL's than YDI's. I have a sister like you,OP. One who stole from me repeatedly. It not only feels feels like your sister/brother thinks lowly of you and your things enough to take it without permission,but it also feels like they think you are too dumb to actually understand the situation. I hope you are going to return it to her and apologize,as well as compensate for stealing from her. That's the least you can do if you want your sister to trust you in the future.

Thors_Hammer9999 17

well you are a complete and total piece of shit...stealing from a ten year old...what the **** is wrong with you?....I live in Northern Michigan....and WALK to work 3 MILES both ways 5 days a week....It's winter in MICHIGAN....the snow is knee deep in places and the average temperature is 10 degrees...well below freezing...the other day it was below zero....Seriously put on your big boy pants and Man up you sniveling little wonder you can't get a job, you need to grow the **** up and the interviewers know that....Might as well start now because what are you going to do if you somehow manage to pull your head out of your ass long enough to get a job and then have to get back and forth?.....keep stealing from her?....when are you going to stop? when she catches you? when she's out of money and just as broke as a joke as you are? Then who are you going to steal from you thief? Mom? Dad? another sibling? candy from a baby? what are you going to do if she was saving that to get something nice for someone for the holidays? and it's gone when she goes to get it? Yeah I can tell why you didn't go to your parents for help...I'd bet they're real proud of the little thief they raised....I almost want to say that you're just pathetic because stealing from a child is pathetic.

Wow how sad! She's a child. Get a damn job!

Epikouros 31

Couldn't you sell a kidney, deal drugs, prostitute yourself or work at a call center? Anything but stealing from a kid.

How about using a bike to go around own when gas is low? Its hard to belive that your family has NO bike.

Wait have you tried looking near your house like walking/biking distance?

NatalieOntheTram 11

You better pay her back and not make it a habit. Or else, I WILL come find you. My brother still owes me hundreds of dollars from doing just this.

Shepardspie71 8

Just ask your parents and pay her back