By Anonymous - 06/02/2016 06:28 - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, it's been five days since I started my new job in a new town, and just signed the lease on my new apartment too. Now I find out the company's closing down, and since I'm still on probation, I'm told I'm not entitled to any kind of severance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 609
You deserved it 1 944

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude that sucks. Shouldnt they have alerted you of that before you moved into the apartment there?

That sucks man, best of luck getting a new job soon though!


That sucks man, best of luck getting a new job soon though!

That really sucks OP, You can always find a new job, but still. Good Luck.

Dude that sucks. Shouldnt they have alerted you of that before you moved into the apartment there?

I can't believe they hired op if they obviously knew they were having such trouble! It's so inconsiderate of them to have hired you while knowing they're having major difficulties, but having you move out of town for this job on top of it all is just insane! I'm so mad for you! I would try talking to a lawyer about this. Yes you were only on probation but they hired you and had you move for this job, even though they knew they were having major financial difficulties. Maybe there's nothing that can be done, but maybe there is. I'd ask a lawyer just to see. So sorry op. This is one of the most frustrating fml's I've ever read. I'm actually mad for you!

That stinks. Hope you get a job very soon.

Think of the poor talent scout. How do you approach someone with a job opportunity as a fart **** actor/actress!?

0to100rq 6

Unless it isn't, and these two are more connected than you think.

PeterB444 17

I'm finally here early enough to comment something funny but I just don't know what to say. FML

MonstreBelle 29

What did Sue ever do to you?! She's a nice lady!

No, no, they're saying "When in doubt, Sue!" - meaning you must act like Sue, as she's a top-class lady. Phew, glad I cleared that up!